Saturday, October 26, 2019

World Day of Cloistered Life

Hello sisters,

Praised be Jesus Christ!  I recently learned that November 21st is World Day of Cloistered Life!  How exciting is this?!  It is a special day to remember and pray for all the cloistered religious who do so much for the Church without us even knowing about most of it!  Do you know any cloistered nuns or communities?  Maybe this day would be a good time to stop by and send your letter, prayers, or gift through the turn! 😊  If you aren't near the chapel of any cloistered community, visit your local adoration chapel because all cloistered religious are there in spirit praying with you just on the other side of the tabernacle door.  Most importantly, don't forget to pray for all the cloistered religious around the world who continue to keep the heart of the Church beating.  Their prayers, sacrifices, and good works do so much good for us, the Church and the world.  We will never know the extent of their effects until we reach Heaven.

There are lots of great resources at this link that can help you spread the word about this special day.

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