Friday, September 18, 2020

The First Responders of the Church

Last week, we in the United States of America remembered the police officers, first responders, firefighters, and many others who risked and gave their lives for their country on September 11th, 2001.  I was only 2 years old at the time, so I don't remember the day, but I do remember the memorial of 9/11 when I was 5 in kindergarten.  The tragic events that took place that day continue to ring through time with a tone of sadness.  But the response to this devastating attack also inspires great patriotism in me.  I am so proud of my country and the many Americans who rushed to the scene of the attack to help people; to save souls.

I love my country and my fellow countrymen.  I am inspired by Tom Burnett and all the other Americans who stood up for each other whether it was their job or not.  And shouldn't we do the same for all of our brothers and sisters today?  There are so many souls being attacked, not by earthly terrorists, but by all the forces of hell.  So many souls are killed every day by mortal sin.  People all around us are falling into the clutches of the evil one and we often stand by and do nothing.

The Catholic Church needs warriors too.  We need first responders on the spiritual frontlines.  We need people who are going to lay down their lives for others.   "Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13 DRB)  Catholics need to rise up, whether they are professed religious and priests or not, and work to save the souls in peril of sin.

Some Catholics are called in a special way to lay down their lives for their brothers and sisters.  When a young man or woman is called to the religious life, they are called to sacrifice their lives for the good of souls and the good of the Church.  They give up so much; possible families, careers, travel, and so on.  Priests and religious stand on the front lines of the battle for souls making sacrifices and praying for them constantly.

Artwork credit to Urias Ab on Instagram

Cloistered and contemplative religious have an even greater duty to lay down their lives totally and completely.  They give up even more than parish priests and active religious do.  The contemplatives are the powerhouse of the Church.  They pray, sacrifice, and work in the heart of the Church for the salvation of souls!  They are truly the frontline soldiers of the Catholic Church because they battle evil and implore God's graces day in and day out.

Are you being called to be a soldier of Jesus Christ on the frontlines?  Souls are falling in the world to the attacks of the devil.  Is Christ calling you to be a first responder?  No matter what your station or vocation in life may be, you can save souls through your own little prayers, sacrifices, and good works.  So let us storm Heaven with our prayers for the souls of sinners and let's bring the light of Christ to those around us who dwell in darkness.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Announcing a new Instagram Account!

 Hello dear readers!!

I apologize that it's been so long since I've posted anything here.  I promise to publish more soon.  I've got quite a few draft posts going!  In the meantime, I've started an all-new Instagram account for this blog and for all things Catholic!  Please head over there and follow @hisvoiceissweet for lots of beautiful Catholic images, quotes, and prayers.  There will be content that has to do with vocation discernment and so much more!  I hope you enjoy it and that it helps you in some way.  

All for the greater glory of God!

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Joy of Our Creator

Hello ladies,

I just came across this meditation on Facebook. It was originally posted in Spanish.  Facebook can make some goofy or interesting translations, but bear with it because this is so beautiful!! Trust in Divine Providence and take joy in your Creator.

In Us there is no unhappiness or pain, how could we give it to creatures? And if they feel unhappiness it's because they leave Divine Will and lock themselves in the small field of human will. Therefore, as they return to the Supreme Wanting they find joys, happiness, power, strength, light, beauty of their Creator, who doing them as their own things, feel in them a connatural divine substance, which comes to give joy and happiness In the same pain, that's why between the soul and We are always party, we have fun and delight together. Instead in human will there is no creative power, that by wanting to exercise virtues can create patience, humility, obedience, etc., here's why you feel tiredness, fatigue to practice virtues , because the divine strength that sustains them, the creative power that feeds them and gives them life; therefore you see inconstancy and easily pass from virtues to vices, from prayer to dissipation, from the Church to Fun, from patience to impatience, and all this mixture of goods and evils produces unhappiness in the creature. Instead, who makes my will reign itself, feels firmness in good, feels that all things bring him happiness, joy, much more than all things created by Us have the mark, the germ of joy And of the happiness of Him who created them, and were created by Us so that all bring happiness to man, each of the things created has the mandate of Us, to bring each happiness, the joy they possess to the creature, indeed, what joy and happiness does not carry the sunlight? What pleasure does the blue sky not bring to sight, a flowery meadow, a sea that mumbles? What taste does not bring to the palate a sweet and tasty fruit, a fresh water, and so many and so many other things? All things in his mute language say to man, 'We bring you happiness, the joy of our Creator'. But do you want to know in whom all things created find the echo of their joy and happiness? In those who find my will reigning and dominant, because the will that reigns full in them, and possesses the same God and who reigns in the soul, form the same, and overflow each other seas of joy, happiness and of happy so it's a real party. That's why my daughter, every time you merge into my will and tours all things created to seal in them your love for Me, your glory, your worship over each of the things I have created to make you happy, I feel renew joy, happiness, glory, as in the act when we put out all Creation; you cannot understand the party you make us when you see your little thing, that wanting to embrace everything in our will belongs to us in love, in glory for all the things created; it is so much our joy, that we put everything aside to enjoy the joy, the party you give us. That's why living in the Supreme Wanting is the greatest thing for us and for the soul, is the Creator's vent on the creature, who pouring over it gives it its form and participates all divine qualities, so that we We feel repeating for her our works, our joy, our happiness.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Diving Into Discernment

"My lover speaks; he says to me, 'Arise, my beloved, my beautiful one, and come!  For see, the winter is past, the rains are over and gone.  The flowers appear on the earth, the time of pruning the vines has come and the song of the dove is heard in our land.'"  (Song of Songs 2:10-12)

"'The flowers have appeared in our land,' says the Divine Spouse and the time for pruning is come.  What, my daughter, are the flowers of our heart, but good desires?  Therefore so soon as they appear we need the sickle which shall prune away from our conscience all dead works and superfluities.  Before the captive maiden might be espoused to the Israelite, she was obliged to shave her head, and pare her nails, and put the raiment of her captivity from off her (Deut. 21:12), 
and so the soul which aspires to be the bride of Christ must put off the old man
and forsaking sin be clothed with the new man; paring and shaving away all hindrances which come between it and the love of God; such a purging of our corruption is the foundation of future health."
~The Introduction to the Devout Life

I want to encourage you to dive head first with me into discernment.

The world is a busy, noisy, colorful, distracting place.  I often feel like a chameleon changing with my surroundings or like the dog, Doug, from Up.

Always getting distracted.  We're all so busy and caught up in so many things during the day, from chores to school to fitness, entertainment, work, play and so on.  The secular world constantly bombards our senses with noise, light, images, sounds, and music directing our attention to flashy, worldly cares.  We also have our own tasks and earthly goals in mind.  When you're trying to discern a religious vocation, it often feels like you're juggling discernment in with all of these other occupations and distractions.  The problem is, in this busy world, vocation discernment and religion in general, often get pushed to the back burner.  We only pay attention to it when we feel like it and we often don't feel like it.  So many nights have I come home and just wanted to crash in bed.  At those moments, I don't feel like saying night prayers.  But when you're discerning the religious life, you don't have to feel like it.  It's something that needs to encompass your day to day life.

Discernment can't just be something you pull out of your back pocket and do.  It has to be a way of life.  We are immortal souls created for Heaven.  This is our ultimate goal, our "dream job", if you will, so we should be striving for it every single day.  All our actions and all our prayers should be directed towards Heaven.  You might feel like God isn't moving as quickly as you'd like or expect Him to.  Do you feel stuck in perpetual discernment?  Well, it might not be God who isn't moving, but us.  Are we giving Him our whole being without reserve?  Are we offering Him not just the extra moments of our time but the first fruits of our days?  Are we taking time in silence to listen to Him and hear His voice?  Are we trusting in God completely?  This is so necessary because we are imperfect fallen human beings.  We must rely on our Perfect Creator to get us to Heaven.

In order to give ourselves over completely to God and His perfect will, we must put off the old man.  We have to start living now in grace striving for virtue and sanctity.  I know it's not possible to live like you're already in the cloister, but we must try our best to keep God's presence before us all day and in all we do, no matter what vocation we're called to.  We should increase our prayer life but we also have to focus on God, even when we're not in prayer.  We have to dedicate each and every moment, directly and indirectly, to God.  Grow those flowers of good desires.

This can seem so hard and like the stuff of great Saints that I am not able to attain because I'm sooo easily distractible like Doug, the dog.  If I try to forge my own path towards Heaven, I will quickly loose sight of it, stumble, and fall.  But we're not meant to do this on our own.  We have to allow Our Lord to work in us and through us.  Allow Him to prune away our old desires and failings.  We must follow Christ's path that He has carved out for us.  But we cannot follow Christ's path begrudgingly, slowly dragging our feet.  Jesus wants to show us the way, but we often don't want to follow because it will be hard.  So we meander along, sort of following the path, hanging back, and looking around at all the things of this earth.  We must run to Him.  Take up your cross and follow Him.  Dive into this discernment.  You are seeking the path that He has laid out for you that will lead you to eternal glory and happiness.  So dedicate yourself to finding it!  With such a beautiful everlasting goal, finding it should be your number one priority.  We must take refuge in the mantle of Our Lady and under the cross of Christ.  Then they will carry us along the straight and narrow path that leads to our vocation, our destiny, and our final goal, Heaven.

So dive into this discernment head first.  Make yourself accessible to Our Lord's workings in prayer and meditation.  Look for Christ in those around you.  Serve Him and offer up the little crosses of annoyance, frustration, disappointment, and rebellion that you encounter.  Put off the old man and allow Christ to clothe you in His garment of grace and love.  Then, He will work in you and through you.  Place your hand and your heart in His and allow Him to show you His Perfect and Holy Will.

Friday, April 10, 2020

At the Cross Her Station Keeping

Two of my favorite hymns of Good Friday for your meditation:

O come and mourn with me awhile,
And tarry here the Cross beside;
O come, together let us mourn:
Jesus, our Lord, is crucified.

Have we no tears to shed for Him,
While soldiers scoff and foes deride?
Ah! look how patiently He hangs:
Jesus, our Lord, is crucified.

How fast His hands and feet are nailed;
His blessed tongue with thirst is tied;
His failing eyes are blind with blood:
Jesus, our Lord, is crucified.

His Mother cannot reach His face;
She stands in helplessness beside;
Her heart is martyred with her Son's;
Jesus, our Lord, is crucified.

Sev'n times He spoke, sev'n words of love,
And all three hours, His silence cried
For mercy on the souls of men:
Jesus, our Lord is crucified.

A broken heart, a fount of tears,
Ask and they will not be denied;
A broken heart love's cradle is;
Jesus, our Lord is crucified.

O love of God! O sin of man!
In this great act, your strength is tried;
And victory remains with love:
for Thou, Our Lord, art crucified!

Lord Jesus, think on me,
And purge away my sin.
From earth-born passions set me free,
And make me pure within.

Lord Jesus, think on me,
With many a care oppressed;
Let me Thy loving servant be,
And taste Thy promised rest.

Lord Jesus, think on me,
Amid the battle's strife;
In all my pain and misery
Be Thou my health and life.

Lord Jesus, think on me,
Nor let me go astray;
Through darkness and perplexity,
Point Thou the heavenly way.

Lord Jesus, think on me
When floods the tempest high;
When on doth rush the enemy,
O Savior, be Thou nigh!

Lord Jesus, think on me
That, when the flood is past,
I may the eternal brightness see
And share Thy joy at last.

Lord Jesus, think on me
That I may sing above
To Father, Spirit, and to Thee
The strains of perfect love. Amen.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Pray with the Church During Quarantine

Hello dear sisters in Christ,

I pray you are staying healthy and safe during these uncertain times.  Although churches across the US and the world are closing their doors, many priests and religious are live streaming their Masses and prayers to the faithful.  Prayer is an integral part of vocation discernment so even though we may not be able to visit Our Blessed Lord physically, we should still spend time with Him in prayer and meditation at home.

A couple of wonderful communities are sharing their daily hours of prayer with us over live streams.

PC: Benedictines of Mary
The Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles: Live Stream the Divine Office and Latin Mass

The Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles: Live stream Morning Prayer, English Mass, and Evening Prayer

May you keep very close to Our Blessed Lord during these trying times.  Remember He is with you always and that He has a plan for everything.  Let us offer our sacrifices and penances for the salvation of souls and the end of the Coronavirus.

God love you,

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Serving with the Sisters

Hello sisters,

In October, I was blessed to be able to volunteer with the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles for their annual Fall Boutique!  I just wanted to drop some pictures here and share a little bit about my time with the sisters.  It was very nice to be able to spend time working and praying with the sisters that I have grown up visiting for 10 years!

Cookies, cookies, and more cookies!!! We made, baked, and boxed so many cookies for the Carmel Kitchen bake sale!

Visiting a Catholic cemetery for the feast of All Soul's Day.

The Carmelite Sisters' marker with a statue of St. Therese. 💕

The grave of the co-foundress of the Carmelite Sisters of Los Angeles.

Ave Maria...  The statue at the end of the hall of my dorm wing.

I love getting up early when I'm at the retreat house because I get to pray with the sisters!  Evening prayer is beautiful too because you rest in prayer after a busy day. 

Ite ad Joseph!  A beautiful statue in the retreat house office.

I was privileged to run an errand with a sister to visit a friend of the community to collect succulents for a project.

It was quite a new experience and I had fun.  I didn't realize how beautiful succulents could be.

Sampling the cherry pie made for the Carmel Kitchen.  It was delicious!!

"Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in You!"

"The more you honor Me, the more I will bless you."

There were lots of beautiful items for sale at the boutique that were made by friends of the sisters.

This week was full of blessings and long days of work and prayer.  Even though I was very tired after each day, I was so happy and peaceful.  A week of volunteering with the sisters teaches you humility as you work for the good of others and the salvation of souls.

Have you volunteered with a community of sisters?  What did you do?  Please tell me in the comments below!  God love you!!

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Take Up Your Cross

Copyright His Voice is Sweet
"Jesus, You are the star that leads me on..."
Sisters, today I would like to just share a few words of encouragement with you.  I don't know where you are in your discernment.  Maybe you're just starting, maybe you're in the middle of filling out an application, or maybe you're getting ready to enter the convent.  Wherever you are, it is important to keep your eyes focused and your will firm.
"My eyes must constantly attend to the voice of the Divine Crucified One." ~St. Teresa of the Andes
But in addition to keeping focused, we must move forward.  We are on a journey to Heaven.  Finding our vocation is just part of that journey.  So keep your feet moving.  Make that appointment to speak with your priest, send that letter that's sitting on your desk, or start reading that book on vocations you've been meaning to get to.  Make this new year a year of progress.

"Behold the handmaiden of the Lord.  Let it be done to me according to your word."

Yes, sometimes we have to wait for a response or wait out a trial, but other times, God is asking us to make a leap of faith.  He asks us to follow Him.  So do not drag your feet.  Put one foot in front of the other and take the necessary actions to pursue your vocation.

 Yes, the way to Heaven is rough, narrow, steep, and even thorny, but we can follow in the footsteps of Christ.  He has made a way for us to follow.  His yoke is easy and His burden is light.  And we are not alone on this journey.  We have Mary, the saints, and even each other to help us along the way.  So pick up your cross and follow Jesus.  Let's get moving!

"Since we see the way, let's run together..."

God love you!